Friday, March 12, 2010

Why Hamlet and Rob Bell got on my nerves today.

So I saw Hamlet for the first time at the Shakespeare Fest and it was sincerely incredible. My props to the actors. Seriously.
And maybe it's just that i have a cold and when i do, my thoughts do weird things, but today i realized that the problem i have with Hamlet is the same problem I have with Rob Bell.
Or to be fair, it's the same problem I have with ALOT of Christians.
To be really fair, it's the same problem I have with alot of people. However, I hold Christians to a higher standard.
That being said, I was watching Hamlet today and the character of Hamlet was driving me crazy. The actor was great. Portrayed him perfectly. (yes, I have read the play.)
But HAMLET was annoying. I wanted him to be so... deep. So conflicted. I wanted him to be so, so...
not shallow. Hamlet said things for attention. He took cheap shots. He killed people, almost at random. I wanted him to be.. deep. soul deep. I wanted his every action to be meaningful. But when it comes down to it Hamlet is kinda shallow. Confused, angry, hurt, depressed, but ultimately shallow. He can't get beyond himself and his own view.
And when I read Velvet Elvis, and A Generous Orthadoxy, and even.. yes, Don Miller you're my hero but i have to say it... Blue like Jazz. There are these moments in all the books when i sit back and let the words soak in and say... wow. that was so meaningful. I mean really, life changing words. I even personally know people, more than a few, who've told me that thier lives have been changed by these books.
and then i read the next paragraph and think "Are you kidding me? You just bashed republicans. you just bashed a president, you just told me you don't agree with war. you just randomly inserted pipe references and beer references. for no other point than for me to think you're cool."
I know that everyone wants to be liked, including authors. But some of these things that are thrown into books make me feel as if thier just thrown in to get my attention. It's this inner shallowness that comes out, just like Hamlet. Just when i wanted the author to get beyond themselves.

You must not be a hypocrite if you smoke a pipe right? You're like, authentic dude. legit. I definitely want to hear what you have to say about God since you told me you are a democrat.

I guess there are people who really do think like the paragraph above. Just because they're out there doesn't mean you should cater to them. Even if it makes your book sell.
If these writers aren't inserting random democratic or beer references just for attention, somebody prove me wrong. As of now, i'm under-impressed.

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