Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Common Highschool Twitter errors

Whether it's because of boredom or lack of maturity, Highschoolers make at least 5 fatal twitter errors which may cause extreme loss of followers. Highschoolers, be warned.

5 Common Highschool Tweet Errors

1. Ex-Boyfriend/Ex-Girlfriend Tweets

We don't want to hear you vent. Twitter may give you the illusion that you are free to speak your mind. You are, but nobody apreciates slander or desperate pleas for attention. Sad but true. When you want to tweet, JOURNAL.

2. Inside Joke Tweets

If you're the only person who can understand your tweet, then don't post it. Instead, join the conversation that happens when people understand what you're saying.

3. Potty Humor Tweets

Especially annoying in girls. Please guys, talking about your underwear stopped being cool in the third grade.

4. Excessive Celebrity Shoutout Tweets

There's nothing wrong in telling your hero they rocked at the concert, or asking them a genuine question. Most Artists are very happy to join in intelligent conversation and you may even be surprized when they respond!
However, tweeting "OMG U ROCK @joejonas!!!!!" 40 times a day is not going to help you gain followers or gain respect from your hero, either.

5. Hot Guy Tweets

This common girl error was brought to my attention by a male tweeter who was severly annoyed. Girls, when it comes to how hot you think taylor lautner is: we. don't. care.

Twitter is a wonderful way to share information and engage in conversation. Be mindful of the other people around you. Be aware that you have something importaint to contribute to the conversation, and don't let pointless words obstruct the importaint ones.

oh, and follow me, @mallyrenee


  1. Very funny little post here. As I use Twitter pretty regularly, I enjoyed reading this. Fortunately, I don't think I've ever committed any of those "sins"- most of my tweets are in regard to tech stuff, which is already a limiting factor to my follower count. :) But I don't really care about how many people are following me either...

  2. haha im glad you enjoyed it!I think twitterers who have a focus (much like blogs usually have a focus) are the best. At least you'll attract all the techie's who tweet!
