Friday, March 12, 2010

The birth of cool; Don miller, Jon foreman and Darwin.

Don miller says cool people believe things. And it doesn't matter what it is. Don says girls fall for bad guys sometimes. bad guys don't need people to pat them on the back, they're doing something, moving. Even if all thier motion is depravity, even if it's destruction.

Jon foreman believes something. Darwin believes something. In fact, almost every truely influential person believes something. Heart and soul believes it.Ghandi believed something. Nelson Mandela did.

I've been thinking alot about what it really means to believe things. How would I act if I really believed there are children dying of starvation? Or really believed that as an American I am richer than 90% of the world?I have these brief moments, when I travel out of the country, when I believe those things. And I find myself giving everything away.And after two months back in the states, suddenly I find I don't believe it any more, because it doesn't effect the way I live.

On my paper about the emergent churchmy teacher asked me to consider what the Christian faith would look like if eveyone believed in much of emergent orthadoxy. And I began to realize it wouldn't be Christianity at all. (which made me also realize that most people I know who I riding the emegent wave don't really believe half the things they say or hear)Think about it: embracing doubt? Rejecting inerrancy? Always questioning? Always seeking and never finding?

This had a profound effect on my study of the creation/evolution argument.I watched expelled:no intelligence allowed, which discusses the possibility of the intelligent design theory.It poses the question: what does it really look like to believe darwinianism?And the answer was: Hitler. The most famous and adimant supporter of Darwin. Ever.
To believe you're evolved is to believe you're better than someone else.
A Jew, or an elderly person.
And hitler is responsible for the mass murder of over 6 million people.
It takes belief to acomplish something that big.
It takes impassioned, belief filled speeches to rally your nation behind you to attempt to wipe out a people group.It's horrible. It's awful. It's WRONG.

And there's the rub, that some beliefs are wrong.I'm not a scientist. Facts rarely persuade me the way emotions do. What can I say? It's the way I operate.I don't want to believe in Darwinian theories, because I've seen nothing good come from authentic belief in them. I don't believe that sincere opinions are all that sincere when they lead to destruction. All I see in Darwin is destruction and cold, animal instinct.

Ohh and to close with my chickflick quote...

"there is nothing greater than deciding in your life that things maybe really are black and white."

Maybe that's foolish, but it doesn't seem foolish to me.

Sent from my iPhone


  1. Very interesting analysis. It's like Christianity too- you can fully believe in something and have faith that it's the right thing, but be wrong about it in the end.

    Did you really send that all from an iPhone? That's a pretty good trick... :)

  2. yep. Did it on the car trip home from montgomery:)
