Friday, June 18, 2010

Animal Kingdom/epcot day

the Searcy Quotables:

Liam gets on the viking ship ride and leans over to me and whispers "So when do they pass out our swords?"

Jordy walks into Ron Jon surf shop at coco beach and mom turns to him and says "Now don't worship anything in here."

Since the youngest in our party turned out to be a rollercoaster addict (Liam rode the everest rollercoaster 4 times yesterday) and somewhat less of the wait in line to meet Cinderella type, Mom and i have no little kid to bring along as an excuse to meet characters. However, this made no difference whatsoever when we met Mary Poppins.

Let me tell you folks, it was a big deal.

I feel deeply fulfilled inside, like Disney really is magical afterall. She asked the girl in front of me if she was like Jane and "rather inclined to giggle and not put things away." and she asked me if we travel like her, (only when the wind changes).

I wanna work at Disney now.

Lately I have been not so much of a Disney fan (what with Disney Channel and such) but i loved it. I love the idea that dreams can come true. I know it's pretty ridiculous sometimes, and one would never walk around believing it all the time. But it's what we hope for isn't it? That one day all chains will be gone and all tears wiped away? I think maybe that's what Walt Disney was getting at without even knowing it. There is hope. There is that feeling of promise and goodness, of things being able to be restored.

THe elevator in our hotel is missing the second "e". So he's a scary Spanish elevator named "el Vator" We take the stairs. Often.

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